How To Create A Positive And Last Change,
3 Practical Steps to Creating a Positive and Lasting Change.
THE word “change” as it is commonly spoken, is believed to be the only thing in life, such as the universe, which does not change in its orbit! But for any change to be permanent, whether good or bad, it will have to go hand in hand!
Today, there are many who desire change in their finances, relationships, marriage, emotions, or physical fitness, many more who try to change negative experiences in their lives but, as it were, feel embarrassed, disappointed, and frustrated!
But why?
Probably because the change they had had had not changed; it was temporary and short! So the idea of changing that negative attitude, attitude, lifestyle, or experience may seem unattainable.
It can be a diet to lose weight, lose drugs, stay committed to relationships, or manage their finances.
In any case, let me be privileged to share three practical principles for lasting change.
Step #1: Raise Your Level by Setting a Need
The person in charge will fall into everything. No one has ever been able to make a positive, lasting change without first starting to raise his level, without putting importance on himself and seeking the best for himself.
And apart from this, no one changes anything, whether it is of endless value or greatness.
The reason why many fall into it all, why they accept whatever comes to them and seem far away from achieving their goals is because they are less stable; they compromised and tolerated what they should have given you a refusal slip!
Until you raise your level until you establish a little stability and give excuses, there is a good chance that you will never change your life; you will never affect your generation.
History is not made by people who are less stable. When we read about the lives of characters like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller, Rosa Park, and many others who, despite the challenges of their decisions and time, raised their stance, put a high value and demands on them, we became jealous of them.
We wish we were them.
However, in many cases we fail to recognize it is the fact that the same power they had could be used with us; they are blessed with the same power as we are; they could press the internal resources and the power that was hidden in them; and the same universe that works in them will work to be used, too, only if we are ready and willing to change our lives.
Step # 2: Change Your Limitations
Whether we realize it or not, we are all influenced by our beliefs, for we strongly believe in one thing or another. Thus it is our system of superstition that limits us to life. Those with limited faith are limited, and those with strong faith find it impossible!
So raising your level without exposing your negative beliefs will benefit you little or nothing. This attitude contradicts the climax! It is as if you were talking one step further and then stepping back twice. Your belief in anything is what gives you confidence in whether it is possible or not, which will give you the strength to try or commit.
If you really want to benefit from your inner capacity, learn to feed yourself with an empowering belief, not a debilitating one. It is your belief that will shape your life, your destiny, and everything mixed up! Your thoughts, feelings, and knowledge!
So, if you really want to experience lasting change, change your belief!
If you raise your level and do not believe you can keep it, no matter how hard you try you will crash like a deck of cards. But if you think you can, of course, only if you believe and raise your standard.
So your conviction, which is the result of your belief, is crucial to any lasting change you wish to see in your life.
How confident are you that you can lose weight? That you can stop using drugs? That you can be faithful to your spouse? That you can succeed in your endeavor to achieve what you set out to achieve?
To get into your inner strengths and resources, therefore, be sure of what you want in life; believe, stay focused, and commit to it.
Step # 3: Use the Power of an Effective Strategy
What is your strategy for achieving the desired change? If you really want a real change you will need a strategy to achieve it.
To get your job done, therefore, you need a strategy; to get results in your pursuit of the life you need a strategy; in order to be successful in what you do and what you will eventually achieve you need a strategy. Do you know why?
Because an effective strategy will enable you to reach your goal very quickly. It would save you time, money, and resources.