How Can A Health Coach Assess Us,
The grass is Unusually Green on the Other Side
Let's face it:
Are you happy with your life or do you wish things were different? For example, how can a health coach assess us? Will they make changes here and there or give you a sign of acceptance? Sometimes we allow our negative emotions to interfere with what life is trying to tell us. We may see our friends or those on Instagram living amazing lives and wish ours could be the same. Although we do not look at things realistically, we do judge by appearances. No matter how successful you are, how rich or happy you are, there will always be challenges and no one will be immune to them. Does it really make sense to yearn for a better life? It requires separating what is not working and taking care of that information consistently.
It's no secret, everyone wants a better life. But as you may or may not know, grass often does not get green on the other side. It may seem like this, but as soon as you attract better conditions, there will be new problems and challenges to overcome. For example, single people may lament their loneliness and seek to have a close relationship to fill that need. However, some get frustrated when their relationship does not meet their expectations and they wish to remain single. The same is true with money. When we struggle financially, we yearn for endless money, but when we succeed financially, other challenges arise. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we should not be financially comfortable. However, we should cultivate the right attitude whether we are rich or poor, single or in a relationship, we will be happy anyway. How do you feel about this? Can you learn to be happy with your current situation and know that your life is a work in progress?
Work With Your Problems
The key is to understand that life is a constantly changing process. Sometimes we will face hardships, pains, and problems, and sometimes we will have joy, happiness, and success. Winston Churchill put it succinctly: "Success consists of moving from failure to failure without losing motivation." He knew that to succeed, we must not give up on our efforts. Challenges help us sharpen our character’s saw. Although it may not be immediately obvious, our pain and problems may help us to realize the life we have been dreaming of. I have faced many challenges throughout my life. There were times when I thought I would fail. It wasn't that I didn't want to succeed, though every time I tried, I failed miserably. I thought life was against me and I compared myself to other successful people. But those lessons contributed to my personal growth. What you believe removes can be a huge factor in your personal growth. It is said: An obstacle is away.
Does this make sense?
Can you appreciate what is happening outside of you that shows what is happening inside of you? I'm sure you have a lot of questions popping into your mind. I invite you to write in a journal if you use one. If not, it may be a good time to start because writing a journal is an effective way to look at the theme of your life. This is the first thing I recommend to new training clients when we work together. Making a journal is a powerful tool for knowing our thoughts and working on our problems. It requires you to look at what is not working in your life and come up with ways to overcome those challenges. You literally get better at working with solutions instead of falling into despair. Even though we like to compare ourselves with others, we see that it is useless because testing does not produce results. We must be our motivators, mentors if we wish to overcome our challenges.
As we solve our problems, life will not seem as bleak as we think. It looks like that because we are stuck in a certain way of life and we do not find a way out. We are like mice in a laboratory experiment, circling the endless wheel that can't get out. The keys are in your hand and lie in your power to find solutions to your problems. With this in mind, I would like you to take one stressful situation out of your life and write five to eight solutions. He may not look very impressive at first glance, but he will visit them again in the coming days and reduce them to three. When you are satisfied, pick one and do it. Check-in your journal whether it helps you or needs additional steps. It is when we stop wishing for a better life and accept the one we have been given, in which we are grateful that a better life has been staring us in the face all this time.