How To Be A Successful Writer,

7 Rules for Writing Historic, Well-Shared, and Monetized Content,

If you want to be a successful writer, follow the 7 rules of writing.

Every writer dreams of writing an hour-long essay, arranged in pairs but whose value lasts a lifetime. We want to write an article that attracts millions of views, tens of thousands of likes, and two thousand comments. In case you are wondering, if such topics exist, the answer is yes. Check out Bill Gates' post on LinkedIn entitled "Three Things I Learned From Warren Buffet". This post has garnered 1.9 Million views, 11,409 likes, and 4,328 comments, since it was published in June 2013. But many writers will never be as famous as Bill Gates.

We all need to get a printout of Bill Gates' article and statistics to post on our bulletin boards. It will serve as a reminder of where we want to be in the future. But in order for our articles to sell, transcend and create discourse, we need to adhere to seven consistent rules for writing popular content:

Writing Rule 1: You Will Write With Your Student In Your Mind

Stephen Covey in his old book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" writes that the key to success begins with an end in mind. Many writers have a good idea of ​​what they want with the article - authority, fame, or sale. But very few writers take the pain to start their work thinking about their readers. We forget as writers who our readers are, where they are right now, what they are facing right now. We do not consider the challenges and frustrations they face as a result of trials, divorce, or life-threatening problems. How to fix this to find a local article plan by asking yourself four key questions:

1. Who are my students and where are they now?

2. What are my students facing right now (anger, guilt, joy, pain, hardship)?

3. What do my students look like? (Male / Female, White / Black, Carrying / Struggling to Get)

4. Based on questions 1, 2, and 3, if I could identify people in my family, friends, or contacts like my students who would they be? Go ahead, create and try to give your 'good' reader a picture and a name. You may need to use an image on Google but it is worth the effort.

Now that you know who your student is, what he looks like, and how you think you are ready. Start with Josh, Alisha, or Jane. If you are writing for a careerist, edit your article about Josh. It will be shorter in time, great in ideas - add subtitles to help with skimming and highlighting important content with bold buttons. If on the other hand, your qualified student is a college student, Alisha may need a different strategy.

Writing Rule 2: You Will Solve The Pressure Problem

When you describe the personality of your good student, you will be thinking about what he or she feels. Next, you need to put yourself in the student's shoes, literally. Showtime. You must enter your theater gear. Close your eyes for a moment and pretend to be Josh. Fasten your seat belt because you will be transferred to Josh's Universe. He is here.

· What do you see, hear, hear and hear?

· Is it daytime or nighttime?

· Do you bathe in the sun or are you cold in the cold?

· Who else do you have - friends, partners, or co-workers?

· Are you waiting for some inspiration in your mailbox?

· Do you want to run to the blog for answers?

· What do you type in the search engine?

These questions will lead you to the one burning problem your readers will face. It could be extra pay at work, asking for a raise, or getting better grades in performance tests. This tells you that Josh needs more money and success in his career. This is your main idea. It is your sacred gift. Answer only one question. Remember, you are writing a topic and not a book. It should provide a solution for only one idea. After you have covered your main theme in detail, you can combine two additional points into the remaining paragraphs. This information should help your student think about additional points to learn more about. There should be no demonstration of your professionalism or ingenuity. In writing good essays, little is more.

Writing Rule 3: You are the one who decides on the intended publication before writing

Many large businesses end up dusted because they are built on the goal of building them and they will come. As writers, we need to keep in mind that we need to decide on a publication (magazine, newspaper, blog) before we can write a single word. This is because each one will have different ways- they will all have a word count, some will need lists, some will need rest boxes and quotes. Once you understand what is published, your style and tone should make your voice in the editor. Some may require an article frame while others may require a full article attached to the body of the email. Only after authorization of the article/blog do you have to write content unless the voice requires you to paste the content into the body of the email.

Writing Law 4: You Will Build a Nation

Professional writers love their craft. They got the same kick in the record that Tiger Woods received for hitting the perfect shot. It gives them an adrenaline rush and an indescribable feeling of accomplishment. But it does not pay our debts. It does not sell or put you in front of your target segment as an explicit professional. That takes real effort. It needs to build a nation. Seth Godin, in his book The Nations, writes: "A nation is a group of people who are connected, connected to a leader and connected with a vision." A nation has a common theme that connects us. It could be writing, work, or PR. In social media, you can join a nation immediately or start one.

Tribes are available on social media on LinkedIn Groups, Facebook Groups, or Blogs. They are like-minded people who have met somewhere, looking for something like writing articles, advertising articles, or guest blogs, etc. Once you have answered any problems in that area, your nation will take care of you. They are not people who just found your article. They are a prepared audience, ready to seek the answer given by your topic.

Writing Rule 5: You Will Have a Community & Sharing

The problem with many writers and experts is that they believe their job is to create content regardless of topics, reports, or examples. But this is only fifty percent of the work. Writing an essay is like creating the most amazing party in the world. Payment for writing or selling a product comes from inviting people to an event. Before the internet and communication, it was very difficult. But now all you have to do is choose the right networks and work on them. The behavior of Social Media teaches us the principle of listening before joining a conversation. Listening includes reading posts from other members, commenting on them, liking them, and where they should be shared between our circles. It may seem absurd at first. But this is a social bank account where you will be deposited first. But in a few weeks, you will be able to make money with this public money. If you submit your content after listening then members of your tribe will receive you. It can be their opportunity to reciprocate the love by sharing, sharing, and commenting on your work.

Writing Rule 6: You Will Follow the Answer

The biggest advantage of the online world is digital. In an offline world, writers can browse to find out how many people have read their work, liked it, and commented on it. Fortunately, in the Internet space, this is not only possible but also necessary for a popular content producer. As writers, we must remember that our result is not in counting the hottest songs, favorites, and comments but we learn from that understanding. It is this understanding that can enable us to make a sale, close a deal, or the result of a partnership.

Writing Rule 7: You will agree

Unless writing is your one-time job, you need to create a content calendar. As writers, it is helpful to remember that we are addressing the needs of the nation and not the clients. We build relationships with our students. They come and expect great things from us. It is this expectation that gives us immediate authority in our subjects and creates the need for our work. Once that need is created a sale is an easy task. So commit to you that you will agree whether you create content daily, weekly, or every two weeks.

Now that you know the rules for creating landmark content, your posts and articles will be in your bloodstream, marketed, and put in front of your viewers like a public expert.

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