How To Add Seo Keywords In Website.

Everything You Need To Know About Keywords In Seo

Abundance and prestige

Keyword quantity is a measure of how much emphasis keyword (weight) is given within the content of a page. Most page emphasis is given to text at the beginning of the page, at the end of the page and within these tags: <title>, <h1>, <a>, <img alt = ”" />, <strong> <strong> and <em> 3 or 4).

Never waste a precious tag/em tag on content that is not a lot of keywords. You can use CSS to achieve any visual effect you want. You should only use those tags to emphasize a keyword/keyword phrase.

Keyword prominence is a measure of how important a word is in its context - in other words, how close it is to the beginning of a sentence. For example, the word 'car' is more common in 'car sales in London' (initially) than in 'London car sale '(end). etc. Keep these 2 ideas in mind as you read the whole article - it applies to everything.

Keywords/keyphrases A keyword is any word that accurately describes your content. A key phrase is a combination of keywords.

Pause words are those that are considered 'normal' or 'unintelligible', which can be overlooked by search terms (except, but let's leave that out in this article). You may think it's harmless as they can be ignored, but standing words can do more damage to your SEO strategy by staying on a large number of keyword congestion and prominence within key phrases by titles, titles, URLs, links, etc. Example: Car sales in London = car sales with 50% stability, 100% prominence Car sales with 66% of people, 100% prominence car sales in London = car sales with 66% people, brightness 66% When writing phrases is key, try writing in newspaper style and miss out on common words like 'the', 'a', 'on', 'of,' in ',' you ',' me ',' he ',' it ', etc.…

PS .: There are too many words in the English language so I won't list them here, but I do have a list if you want one.

Keyword highlighting

Search engines know about these mysteries so you will only shoot them in the foot if you try to cover both. Take “ & spell = 1 ″ target =” _ blank ”> trees -Xmas delivered ”and“

"Http:// Meta"

target = "_ blank"> Christmas trees brought "for example. The word Xmas never appears in on-site content, but still ranks above any of these two search terms. I find it difficult to explain this, but that's why: (using Xmas, Christmas, and other thinking numbers) When you're strong and avoid misunderstandings: Suppose you only use

"Christmas" everywhere, ends up being available at 10 p.m. (some numbers to show this example). When a user searches for something with the word "Xmas", search engines will look for both "Xmas" and "Christmas" equals, so you end up becoming very similar to their search.  Let's say use the words 'Xmas and 'Christmas equally on a website and each one ends up highlighting 5. (just the number to show this example, but less than the number in the previous example) When a user searches for something with the word "Xmas", search engines will process both "Xmas" and "Christmas", but you may not be the same and that, because you have spread the prominence between 2 phrases. When it comes to unfamiliar words, it is always best to leave the search engines to deal with them in their own way.

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