Time Management Techniques

Ways to Manage Time Overcoming Delay

Time management is all about making the most efficient use of your time and working smarter, not harder. It requires planning, patience, and lots of discipline.

Postponing is often the result of an underlying problem, or underlying cause, such as fear of failure, the expectation of perfection, feelings of frustration, self-doubt, and fear of rejection. However, poor timing skills can also be a factor in procrastination. So, if you have a tendency to procrastinate, the most important step you can take is to work on your time management skills. This article will explain two steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.

Save Time Log

The first thing you need to do is keep a schedule for a week. For a week, you will keep a record of all that you do and consider how long it takes you. This will highlight a few things, including the following:

• It will let you know how you use your time.

• It will allow you to accurately determine how long the work takes.

• It will allow you to pinpoint where you are spending time.

Once you know how you are using your time, you will be able to determine how much time you spend on the most important, the most important, and the least important tasks. Obviously, the idea here is to make a change and start devoting most of your time to the most important tasks, and divide your time into the most important and intermediate activities. You will not do more, but you will be doing more.

One of the signs of procrastination is that one often arrives late for meetings and scheduled programs. If this is you, the culprit may be your inability to measure how long it takes to complete various tasks. This can include things like, how long it takes you to get ready in the morning, how long it takes to drive across the city, how long your exercise routine takes, and so on. Once you know how long it takes you to complete these tasks, you will be able to set aside the time you need to complete them, so that you can start arriving at your meetings with other people on time.

Look at your time record and use it to make a list of ways you waste time. Raise your list in a prominent place where you will be able to see it regularly. That way, you will keep the list leading to your awareness. Then, when you find yourself participating in one of these activities, just remind yourself that you have other, more important things to do. Make sure that once you realize that you are wasting your time, stop immediately and start the most important work.

Use Timeboxing

Timeboxing is a process that involves creating clear timelines to devote to a particular task. These time intervals usually last from 20 to 40 minutes. If you are procrastinating because you do not seem to have time to do it, tell yourself that you will do it in 25 minutes. In that twenty-five minutes, you can at least bite a small piece of work. Then, later, work on it for another twenty-five minutes. Keep working this way until the job is completed.


Keeping a time record and using a timer are two powerful ways to make the best use of your time. When you get better at managing your time, you will reduce the amount of time you spend procrastinating, and it will increase the amount of time you spend doing things.

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