How To Start A Successful Blog

3 Fundamentals of Successful Blog

Anyone can start blogging these days, and that is why so many. You do not have to pay for it, even if you want to make money later, as there are free forums like, Blogger, or Tumblr. going to and blogging on social servers. Most of them do well and people make money through their blogs, but most of them do not, even if they want to. Here are some basic reasons why they do not do it.

1. The blogger did not take the time to discover the purpose of the blog

It starts with a wish, or maybe because every small business you know has. But why does your blog exist? Whose? Do they find it, and do they like to read what you have to say?

This is a basic "niche" survey, which should be done if the only purpose of the blog is not to keep a public journal or post good photos.

So you probably think it is important to decide what it should look like and that your post is well developed in search engines, but you are wrong. The most important thing is to have an idea and know who you are writing to.

2. Lack of calendar planning and consequently lack of consistency

There are times when you just have thoughts coming out of your brain, but what happens when that river is dry? You stop posting to your blog.

This happens a lot, especially on business blogs, in small and especially large companies, and the biggest reason is that it was never planned to go hand in hand. But what does a visitor tell us about your business, if there are any blog posts from July and next from November? One might think that it says "we are actually busy here", but unfortunately it is not. For many, it says it ignores the obligations for which it is registered and lacks consistency.

When you start a blog that you want to monetize, directly or indirectly, it is already a business blog and you need a plan for it. You need to have a list of ideas you can post, and you need to edit it.

One of the reasons business websites use blogs is that they generate more organic traffic with the growth of keywords on the site. That also reduces advertising costs, if done right. If you post three times a year, that doesn't work. A blog is "media", and, what distinguishes it from all media is that it contains content. Blogs are part of a social media platform, but unlike forums like Facebook and Twitter, they do not produce content on their own. Something must be done to make it happen.

If your blog is intended to monetize, directly or indirectly, it requires the creation of consistent content. Otherwise, it is simply buried in the tombs of silent blogs, or should not be called a blog, but an electronic brochure instead.

3. Lack of traffic

This issue is directly related to the first two issues discussed in this article: Why should people come to your blog and where do they come from? How do they get it?

Some blogs are actually successful by accident, or just grow over time, but many blogs still face the same issue: how can you get traffic? And how to get students back.

Actually, it's all about marketing your blog to the right people, the ones you write about. And consistency in both: content creation and word distribution.

There are ways to speed up the process a bit, such as joining syndicates and blog challenge events and writing guest posts. But most blogs that host guest bloggers will want to see if you are really serious about your blog, so you should have good quality content on your website and blog before you go.

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