The Safe Way To Mix Your Business With Pleasure,

Mix Business With Pleasure There's A Safe Way,

Want to cut down on the stress of your business, reduce emotional stress, and add more pleasure to your workday?

Here's the secret - 

check your customer list. Do you have customers who usually call you in the middle of the night with emergencies (real or imagined)? Or ask them to work every weekend to keep their stones on fire? Either you always pay late, or they refuse to wait for your services?

Yes, here's a summary of management: troubled clients will - if you let them - deal with a large portion of your workload and emotional difficulties.

In the meantime, they will respond with a surprisingly small amount of your benefit. The 80/20 law says that 20% of your clients will be the source of your 80% profit and vice versa. Guess which side of those problematic clients they are listed on?

This means that you are probably spending more than a quarter of your time working hard to please cash-strapped customers who are likely to contribute to your retirement (which may interfere with it) as well. In addition, they spend a lot of energy on targeted customers. So what do you need clients for problems? Short answer: think about it.

After all, we have heard all marketing experts tell us that we must offer quality, world-class services to our customers… that our business is about our customers… one of our business partners.

If we don’t, they say, our business is focused on the fund and some care professionals will bring it closer to us.

They are right, but let's take a moment and look at this advice.

First, without taking sides here, let's admit that some clients, like other autos, need more care than others.

Now, if you find yourself in a car that makes a lemon, do you take care of that car endlessly, or do you finally find yourself in a state of reduced recovery? Sometimes the most economically possible thing is to get rid of the clunker and move on, right?

But that's cars. What about people? Isn't it important to invest our best in each person we face in life? Should we not hold others in high esteem and seek to see in them the supreme power?

After all, if you've been studying my subjects for a while, you know I'm the guy who says with the right attitude you can change anything to your advantage. So how can I keep up with difficult customers and problems with dumping and moving forward?

Okay, we're about to go out, so let's take a look at this.

Let's get back to why you are in business. I think you have a mission statement or something like that. And that mission statement probably means something like "it helps clients solve a particular type of problem, and in doing so make their world a better place for them." Does that well summarize why you are in business?

If you shake your head yes, you are lost.

An entrepreneur to make your life better, as well as the health of those you are emotionally close to. He did this for a profit. Your benefit.

OLD CHINESE BEST: No profit, no basis.

The improvement that it brings to the lives of your customers is your strategy to buy improvement in your life.

That job statement is about how you choose to make your profit. THIS is how you go about getting paid for what you want from other people. Not why.

After all, you can't get YOUR profit unless you give a good, solid, and honest value to others. You must provide a value to obtain a value.

Then why do so many people in business think it is necessary to give a price patiently, consistently while failing to insist on getting an equal value in return? The fact is, when you are in a relationship with a customer who takes more than you can offer, you are dealing with fraud. A thief who does not know perhaps, but a thief anyway. You are also aggravating the theft of your services.

Not only that, you participate in deceiving your family, your employees, and others who trust you or join their life force.

In other words, not everyone is willing to make the right exchange. They will want to receive from you, but will not be interested in giving the right amount in return.

Not everyone calls one client or customer.

Some are thieves in secret. Oh, most of them don't know what they are, but when they go like a thief and mark themselves like a thief ...

It does not make them bad. It is useless.

Are you ready to make your job fun, efficient, and very profitable?

Choose your business contacts as carefully as you can for your friends. In both cases, stay away from those who do not go the same way. This is just one of many ways to increase your awareness and vibrancy in your mind so that the best things can be seen in your life.

Evaluate what you are doing, spend time with whom, and decide which activities are most beneficial to you. Remove the rest - or as many of them as you can plan to dispose of. If work is not discarded, such as your bookkeeping or sweeping, take your first opportunity to transfer it.

Now, I know that, as a self-employed person or a self-employed entrepreneur, you may find it difficult to start a business. You worked for a while, but you never forgot those first days of hunger. So when a client calls, no matter how hard it is, the temptation is to brush your teeth, accept the job and calculate the cost.

You can grow as a business person, however, and unless you grow you will never go through that stage of starvation. The truth is, the only way out is to start while you're at it. Right now.

Just start measuring all potential clients' calls. Find out about them, check their qualifications to work with you. And if they do not qualify, reject their business. This alone will give you the most power in your business life.

Do you have an existing client that gives you a hard time? Same thing. Examine yourself and decide - internally or externally. Save or discard.

You just don’t want to make quick judgments and act hastily. Create cooling time in your system. After all, your emotions may change from day to day, coloring your judgment more than you could ever imagine. But if, after a careful, deliberate examination, the client does not balance, they send it on the road to find the one that is best for you.

Therefore, it is true that the business is about your customers. But you get to decide who the client is and who isn't.

And for some, as a baby gets older, he or she will outgrow this.

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