How To Do Your Best Content Creation,

10 Tips For Best Content Creation,

Make the post-change

Try and understand what changes you want your audience to make after reading your blog post, which is about how they become before and after reading it, how they feel, and what they have gained from it. , conversion. This is a great way to describe your blog post to the end. How To Create Your Best Content | 10 Tips

1-Express your thoughts

Once you have thought about your transformation, working backward is the way you build your framework. You can do it using a mind map, I like to use sticky notes. Any way you choose to do it, just make sure you take ideas in your head about these specific changes and just put them all in there and that will help you plan later, this will be the skeleton of your blog post. Try to put your outline in place before you start writing, it will make life easier, trust me.

2-Start by involving students

It doesn't matter what type of content you create, blog post, article, etc. First of all, you need to start strong. People will go there for you or for the topic and unless you connect them in the beginning they won't want to continue. The purpose of your blog's introduction is to keep people reading, the purpose of the first sentence is to make them read the second sentence, and so on. Start strong, how do you do that? There are many ways to do that but personally, I would like to start with a story. People love stories and seem to be very involved when it comes to storytelling. Make sure the story is related to who your change audience is.

I also like to ask and ask specific questions that can pique the audience's curiosity, or you can start with an interesting fact or idea that you may not have heard before. All of these things will help your students to keep learning and feel like they have something to learn from.

3-Do does not subscribe to WordPress

OK, you may be wondering what I mean by this and ask yourself, exactly where am I writing my blog post? I recommend against writing in WordPress because of its inability to keep track of your progress regularly and its tendency to crash and well what happens there? You're going to lose everything you just spent time creating, it's sad huh?

You are safe at creating your content using Google Docs. Google Docs is free and has an amazing automatic backup feature. And easily accessible and shared, you can organize your content into separate folders, different categories, and all filter elements to make it really easy to find later and all in your Google Docs. Also, if you just start writing, don't start editing while you are writing, just write everything you can delete over time, which is why it's called editing.

4-Appropriate and interesting topic

These are very important because these are the things people see before they come to your blog post, make sure they are eye-catching and attracting your audience.


search engine optimization, one of the best forms of organic traffic and most important for content marketing. It will give you the best chance of finding live search engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc. Make sure your topic is relevant and makes people want to click with curiosity. If your title and description are not interesting no one will click.

6-Get your blog posts scanned

Don’t make your blog posts into one big category, give your readers time to breathe by adding white space, which are the spaces in your sections. Adding a different category to your outline is very appealing and makes it easier to focus in the way your readers do.

7-Use pictures to separate text

Try to include visuals for your blog posts such as photos, graphs, charts, and all sorts of things to support the points you make in your blog posts. Do not overdo it, it is very easy to do so make sure you use your preview button to see what this item looks like in the eyes of your readers, it is a good way to see if it is properly placed and logical.

Do not just add random images, they should support the whole idea of ​​your post. This is also a text split that makes your post easier to read and gives people a good thing to look at in a level of ignorance, almost something memorable. People learn about visual aids today so doing all these things is really beneficial for you in helping you stand out among all the bloggers in the world.

8-Include the call to action

Okay, tip # 8 is a very important tip especially if you want results from the blog you are doing. Make sure you put the call into action, it doesn't have to be late but I recommend it. While your call to action may not be mentioned in all of your posts, in the end, it seems to be very rewarding for me when it comes to making money online. Try not to overdo it, 2 calls to action are enough for each blog post.

9-Confirm before publishing

Please check it out loud, I can't stress enough how important this tip is. I swear I make a lot of mistakes when I read aloud vs when I read on my own in my mind. This is the best way, in my opinion, your audience will be like a hawk, distinguish your mistakes, sent by post, day by day. No one is perfect so give yourself the best chance of getting out and posting the best quality you can do by correcting the error aloud. Also, having help with planning someone can be beneficial to you, highly recommended.

10-Do not be a perfectionist

There is no such thing as a great blog post, you will hurt yourself by delaying your content from being released whereby trying to strive for perfection, your best bet will be to read as you go and check out your posts later with statistics. I continue to make mistakes to this day as you will never be perfect, so do your best and the experience will come. Take all of these tips and put them into action to give yourself a better chance of blogging for any of your needs. After doing all this, hit publish and don’t worry about being perfect.

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